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Our Story

Why We Started saveArose Foundation

Started the saveArose Foundation in Honor of his late spouse/partner Amber Rose Isaac, who fell victim to birth complications stemming from medical negligence on April 20th, 2020. He is now raising his son, Elias, as a single father. Bruce has been vocal about the injustice that happened to Amber and mothers who may also have lost their lives due to medical negligence.

Mr. McIntyre’s saveArose Foundation seeks to eliminate the systemic flaws within maternal health care. He works with the Birthing Community, members of Congress, U.S. Senators, state legislators, City Council members to put pressure on healthcare providers to do something about the high incidence of maternal mortality


Mr. McIntyre has joined with Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party’s vice-presidential nominee, to raise visibility of the message on Maternal Rights for Black/Brown/ Indigenous women. He is working with a collective to bring the first-ever FreeStanding Midwifery-led Birthing Center to the Bronx, and to bring better birthing options to the community. He has also been working on community engagement programs in NYC and North Carolina to introduce programs to the youth to keep them away from gang violence and drug abuse.

Our Founders

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Bruce McIntyre III

Founder of saveArose Foundation. Human, Civil Community Rights Activist. Mental, Maternal Health Advocate & Educator

Bruce McIntyre III founded the saveArose Foundation after losing his soulmate Amber Rose Isaac to an unscheduled emergency C section that stemmed from medical negligence on April 21st 2020. Since then Bruce has become a fearless advocate for families & racial disparities within the medical system. His mission is to combat & dismantle systemic flaws within the medical system & redirect the course of birthing equity towards solutions that will create better birthing outcomes. He has provided necessities to young mothers in shelters & to families whom have suffered the same fate. Bruce is working on bringing a midwifery led birthing center to the Bronx. He has also partnered with coalitions of birth workers & Government officials to craft legislations surrounding maternal, mental health & surviving families. He has taught racial bias classes to medical students at Harvard, Yale, Columbia college, New York school of Medicine & more. He has been featured on many different media platforms, apps & has advocated for maternal health on an international scale. Bruce has become a pillar to the community for his groundbreaking work and innovative ideas to provide quality care & help people in the underserved communities.


Renita Isaac

Co-Founder, Mother of Amber Rose Isaac



Meet the Team


Jamilia Heredia

Administrator & Coordinator


Johanna Zorilla

Social Media Coordinator


Nyesha Viechweg

Personal Assistant


Kattie Guerrero-Valoy



Katherine Guerrero-Valoy

Social Media Coordinator


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